Sunday, April 29, 2012 | Where Writers Can Share Their Ideas. | Where Writers Can Share Their Ideas.: "Lately there has been some difficulty associated with my ability (or lack thereof) to do the things that I am inspired to do. These (in part) being creating new websites and writing. I had tried the concept of involving others, even something as straight forward as saying to friends or relatives; how would you like to negotiate the sale of this domain for example. I would give the contacts and introduce you, yet this did not work out. The concept of delegating"

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jonathan Berkowitz Discusses Progressive Relaxation

Jonathan Berkowitz Discusses Progressive Relaxation: " 
Jonathan Berkowitz Discusses Progressive Relaxation
Jonathan Berkowitzbelieves that the world we live in is all tooften a fast-paced, nonstop stress fest. However, JonathanBerkowitz also acknowledges that it can be a real task to taketime off, let alone find hours in a busy day for some relief from anxiety. That is why Jonathan Berkowitz employs atechnique called progressive relaxation or PMR (progressivemuscle relaxation) to ease the pain of life’s daily grind"

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Domain Names - Picking The Low Hanging Fruit | Domaining365

Domain Names - Picking The Low Hanging Fruit | Domaining365: "domain name sales, domaining if you will, certainly isn’t for everyone. On not-so-wonderful days I can come up with a lot of choice adjectives for many of the behind the scenes research and tedious every day tasks and responsibilities that I contend with. Occasionally I may inwardly cringe or alternatively seethe at some of the inconsistencies I’m faced with in my domaining endeavors.
Bored with Domaining?
Have you ever heard someone say or write about being bored with domaining? I’ve read it, but I don’t get it. That’s like saying the lottery is boring, or that hunting for lost treasure is droll"

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

7 Video Best Practices in the Era of Social Media | Social Media Today

7 Video Best Practices in the Era of Social Media | Social Media Today: "We live in a time when a single video can tell your story, tip your brand — or change our world. Cases in point: JK’s Wedding Entrance Dance, Will it Blend?— and We Are All Khaled Saeed.

Over two billion videos are downloaded every day on Youtube. That is roughly equivalent to the programming that the three major television networks put out.In one year. And, in my estimation: user-generated videos are just getting started."

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6 Tips For Building a High Quality Blog Following | Social Media Today

6 Tips For Building a High Quality Blog Following | Social Media Today: "In 2010, New York City startup, Birchbox launched a blog about beauty products before it had any customers. The beauty sample delivery service – and its blog – exploded in popularity.

Today, to keep up with its readers’ appetite for content, Birchbox employs multiple editors and publishes half a dozen posts a day, along with an online magazine. According to, traffic grew 6,500% in 2011, to over 110,000 monthly unique visitors at last count."

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Automatic Writing and the Problem of Ideas.

Automatic Writing and the Problem of Ideas.: "Perhaps the simplest and most obvious of these, actually gives a great deal of credit to the entire human race:

If the idea was any good, someone would have already thought of it.
The objection seemingly has some substance however if anyone really believed that this single idea is true, then one would have to simply wonder how did people ever come up with: Television, digital photography, and helicopters. The simple answer is sure, when the first guy said I am going to build a machine that flies, the answer from the naysayer of the day would have been, “If man were meant to fly, he would have wings."

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Social Tropism: Collaborative Partnerships | IP

Social Tropism: Collaborative Partnerships | IP "ips | IP
Collaborative Partnerships | IP "communication style is that unfounded pessimism, and suggestions to redirect are really a very simple code which, thankfully I have uncoded for my own use. Normally pessimism is unfounded primarily because, it is the prevailing attitude. There is nothing novel nor unique when someone shares an idea with some with great entusiasm and belief primarily to have it shot down because the person who its being told to really does not believe in bringing a new business into existence unless of course the person w"

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